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Brick red Engobe EG-003

Brick red Engobe EG-003

Regular price $18.00 USD
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Engobes are a great option for those who want the look of other clay bodies but don’t want to add another clay to their studio because of contamination or messy clean-up. With only two coats, Engobe can transform a red clay body into white or a white clay body into black, allowing you to have the look of a different clay body every day of the week!  Apply to wet clay, greenware or bisque, and fire from cones 5-10.


Cone 6 oxidation: Brick Red Engobe fires matte red/brown. Engobes are used to coat your clay body to your preferred finish/color and are a great base to achieve v in your glaze results.  

Cone 10 reduction: No change


Tips: Can be applied to wet clay, greenware or soft fired, cone 04 bisque. Engobes are often used for a variety of decorative techniques, such as sgraffito and majolica. Fires matte. Apply clear glaze to intensify color or for use on dinnerware. Engobes will impact glaze results when used as a base. Engobes are used to change the color of your clay color surface without cross contamination and easy clean up in your studio. Can be used in oxidation or reduction firings. Results may vary. The choice of clay body, thickness of application, firing process, and temperature will greatly affect the fired results. Always test your application on your clay body in your kiln environment. 

Safety information

AP certified non-toxic, food safe and dinnerware safe when used according to maufacturer's directions. 

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